"Want To Know some Helpful Italian Phrases? Don't go to Italy Without Them!"
It's very useful to know a few everyday survival Italian phrases, so we've put together a few "must-know's" so you can easily get by when you're in Italy!
Useful Italian Phrases

General Phrases in Italian Yes/No: Si/Non see/no
Please (asking for something): Per Favore pair favoray
Please (offering): Prego praygo
Thank you: Grazie gratzee-ay
Hello/Bye!: Ciao chow
Goodbye: Arrivederci ar-reevedairchee
Good Morning: Buon giorno bwon jorno
Good Evening/Night: Buona sera/notte Bwona saira/not-tay
How are you?: Come sta? komay sta
Italian Phrases: Help, Problems, Directions
Do you speak English?: Parla Inglese? parla eenglayzay
I can't speak Italian: Non parlo Italiano non parlo eetal-yano
I don't understand: Non Capisco non kapeesko
How much is it?: Quanto costa? kwanto kosta
Could you help me? Puo aiutarmi? pwo i-ootarmee
Where is...?: Dove si trova...? doveh see trova
the toilet: il bagno eel ban-yo
the station: la stazione la statz-yonay
the bank: la banca la banka
the nearest petrol station: la stazione di servizio piu vicina la statz-yonay dee sairveetz-yo p-yoo veecheena
Possible responses:
Turn left: giri a sinistra
Turn right: giri a destra
Go straight on: Vada dritto
At the corner: All'angolo
Go past the...: Vada oltre
The crossroads: L'incrocio
The traffic light: Il semaforo
The signs for: le indicazione per
Italian Phrases: Accommodation
I have a reservation: Ho prenotato una stanza oh praynotato oona stantza
Do you have a single/double room?: Ha una camera singola/doppia? ha oona kamaira seengola/doppee-a
What is the charge per night?: Quanto si paga per notte? kwanto see paga pair not-tay
I'd like a room for one night/three nights: Vorrei una stanza per una notte/tre notti vor-ray oona stantza pair oona not-tay/tray not-tee
Please wake me at 7 o'clock: Mi svegli, per favore, alle sette mee zvel-yee pair favoray al-lay set-tay
I'd like to rent an apartment/villa for...days: Vorrei affittare un appartamento/una villa per...giorni vor-ray af-feet-taray oon ap-partamento/oona veel-la pair...jornee
Italian Phrases: Restaurants
A table for one/two/three, please: Un tavolo per una persona/per due/per tre, per favore oon tavolo pair oon paisona/ pair doo-ay/pair tray pair favoray
I'd like...: Vorrei... vor-ray
What would you recommend? Cosa ci consiglia? koza chee konseel-ya
Can I have the bill, please? Pi porta il conto, per favore? pee porta eel conto pair favoray
Can we pay seperately? Possiamo pagare separatamente? poos-yamo pagaray separatamentay
Take a look at our
Italian phrases menu translator
for translating common items on the Italian menus into English!
Italian Phrases: Numbers
0 zero tzairo 1 uno oono 2 due doo-ay 3 tre tray 4 quattro kwat-tro 5 cinque cheenkway 6 sei say 7 sette set-tay 8 otto ot-to 9 nove no-vay 10 dieci dee-aychee
11 undici oon-deechee
12 dodici doh-deechee
13 tredici
14 quattordici
15 quindici
16 sedici
17 diciassette
18 diciotto
19 diciannove
20 venti ventee 21 venuno vent-oono 22 ventidue 30 trenta 40 quaranta 50 cinquanta 60 sessanta 70 settanta 80 ottanta
90 novanta
100 cento
110 centodieci
200 duecento
300 trecento
1,000 mille
10,000 diecimila
20,000 ventimila
1,000,000 un milione
Italian Phrases: Days of the Week
Sunday: Domenica domeneeka
Monday: Lunedi loonedee
Tuesday: Martedi martedee
Wednesday: Mercoledi mairkoledee
Thursday: Giovedi jovedee
Friday: Venerdi venairdee
Saturday: Sabato sabato
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